Adult Scholarships
Adult Scholarships
The Pokagon Fund accepts Adult Scholarship applications between mid-January (exact dates vary) and March 15 each year. Scholarship awards are based on merit, financial need, a clearly articulated path for career advancement in a timely manner and other factors. Scholarships can be used to cover the cost of tuition and books at any eligible institution or program.
The Pokagon Fund Adult Scholarship is not intended for those who fit the traditional undergraduate definition. Applications from traditional undergraduate students will be disqualified. If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please contact us at (269) 469-9322.
To be eligible, an individual must:
Be a resident of Harbor Country
Including, the townships of New Buffalo, Chikaming and Three Oaks; the villages of Three Oaks, Michiana or Grand Beach; and the City of New Buffalo.
Be considered a nontraditional student, meaning :
- Entering a college, university, trade school or other accredited, organizational institution for the first time or re-entering a college, university, trade school or other accredited, organizational institution after taking a temporary leave from their studies.
- Already enrolled in a college, university or trade school program and pursuing an advanced, postsecondary degree.
- Seeking retraining, certification or licensing from an eligible institution due to changes in the workplace and/or to make further career advancements.
- Otherwise not the traditional college, university or trade school student but has recently finished high school. A traditional undergraduate student is one who enrolls in college immediately after graduation from high school, pursues college studies on a continuous, full-time basis at least during the fall and spring semesters, and completes a bachelor’s degree program in four or five years.
Be seeking to advance his or her career through additional education or training at an eligible institution or program.
Be seeking to advance his or her career through additional education or training at an eligible institution or program. “Eligible institutions or programs” includes many universities, colleges, trade schools and other programs. The Internal Revenue Service has created a webpage that explains which institutions/programs are eligible to receive scholarship payment and links to other sites where you can check to see if the institution or program you are considering is eligible.